MASSB Eviction Relief Program

The State of Maryland’s Department of Housing and Community Development is making EVICTION PREVENTION ASSISTANCE available to eligible low- and moderate-income persons. If you live in Charles County, you may be eligible for Eviction Prevention grant funds through the Charles County Board of Social Services, a member of the Maryland Association of Social Services Boards (MASSB).
Apply by filling out the following:
You may print the application and mail it in to:
B.O.S.S. Eviction Prevention Program
c/o B. Johnson
PO. Box 507
La Plata, MD 20646
OR you may complete and submit the application online. All information is confidential and transmitted securely.
Rental Assistance may be provided for up to six (6) consecutive months of unpaid rent starting any time after March 2020.
To be eligible, you must:
o Have a potential for or already be facing eviction
o Not live in federally subsidized housing (ex., Section 8 housing vouchers)
o Have lost some or all of your income due to COVID-19
o Have income below a certain level (80% of HUD’s median income for Charles County)
Applying is free and confidential. Documentation of income and overdue rent is required after you submit your application. Applications will be reviewed and decisions made within 30 days.
Have questions? Call our Eviction Specialist Shantel Thomas at 301-539-3641